Monday, 1 September 2014

Avenged Sevenfold

I apologize for not updating for a while I had no internet at all which sucked.

anyway today I wanted to talk about Avenged Sevenfold, now I know this is relatively old news and you all probably know about what they did earlier this year. If you don't know however this is what happened:

they joined the Rise above fest to help raise money for the charity SAVE(Suicide Awareness Voices of Education) along with Seether. A7x did this because a 16 year old fan committed suicide on top of this they did an online auction where they signed things and all profits went to this charity. This certainly an admirable trait in anyone let alone celebrities. As you are probably all aware not all Celebrities do this and although it is saddening that not everyone is nice enough to help charities it is their choice. Anyway if you want to check out the message A7x posted online I'll post a link down below along with the charities website.