Friday, 6 November 2015

Orbseven - ".ismos." album review

I recently came across this band through my facebook page and as an avid fan of new music i decided to write a review for their latest album. The band themselves are ambient/experimental metal.
The album has seven songs, each with a unique feel to it; I know what I usually say about artists that make too much of an effort when it comes to making each song different. But with this band it actually works and I applaud anyone who makes their music unique, it's just hard to make it fit.
Their first song is called 'Falsifier' It is very ambient in nature and very much reminds me of the music found on games. More specifically fantasy themed ones. This is a good thing as soundtracks for games is a big industry currently and I happen to like games. The song itself follows a simplistic style which doesn't draw away from the spoken parts and that is what you want when it comes to ambient music. Their second song 'Gravity Room' follows the same sort of pattern except the structure of the instruments is more complicated which makes it more of a song and less like an ambient piece.
Their fourth song is called 'A part of Nothing' which has a more dramatic feel to it . imagine a typical apocalyptic film where it shows the destruction after a bomb or something and this song would be playing then. Overall the song has a sort of cinematic vibe to it but that's just my opinion. The fifth song 'Staircases' fits in with this theme perfectly and leads on from the fourth song.
This album overall fits the ambient,experimental theme well and with each song having its own twist to it, it shows that they have put a lot of thought into the album and its songs. I'd rate it 10/10 for creativity and its game/film like nature, what do you think of the album? which game and what film genre should these songs be in?
for more information:

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